Cardiff University, 14-16 April 2025

  • Brooks Building, Manchester Metropolitan University

LILAC 2022

LILAC 2022 was hosted by Manchester Metropolitan University, and took place on 11th-13th April 2022.

On this page you will find details of:

A selection of photos from the conference can be found on our flickr (more coming soon!). You can also download a copy of our full programme complete with abstracts.


Keynote speakers:

Susan Connor, Ray Smith (he/they), Imogen Webb (she/her), Rachel Wilding (she/her) (Manchester Metropolitan University’s iSchool) - Student Panel

Marilyn Clarke (Director of Library Services at Goldsmiths, University of London) - Decolonisation as a means to creating an equitable future

Emily Drabinski (Critical Pedagogy Librarian at the Graduate Center, City University of New York) - Structure and Power: Information Literacy for Liberation

Conference Reports:

Elliott, J. & Manecke, U. B. (2022) LILAC 2022: A reflection on inclusivity [Online]. Available at: (accessed: 08 June 2022).

Garcia Grau, E. (2022) LILAC 2022: A reflection on librarians as teachers [Online]. Available at: (accessed: 08 June 2022).

Ingle, E. (2022) LILAC 2022: Origami bees and sunflower seeds [Online]. Available at: (accessed: 16 May 2022).

Jenkins, R. (2022) And we're back (in person!) - the LILAC conference [Online]. Available at: (accessed: 20 April 2022).

Kirschbaum, A. (2022) LILAC 2022: Amongst one's own [Online]. Available at: (accessed: 16 May 2022).

McKinney, P. & Webber, S. (2022) Information Literacy Weblog (#lilac22 blog posts) [Online]. Available at: (accessed: 20 April 2022).

Napthine-Hodgkinson, J. (2022) LILAC 2022: Conference report [Online]. Available at: (accessed: 08 June 2022).

Secker, J. (2022) LILAC coloured joy and focus [Online]. Available at: (accessed: 20 April 2022).

Semple, N. (2022) Live Highlights: LILAC Conference Day 1 [Online]. Available at: (accessed: 20 April 2022).

Semple, N. (2022) Live Highlights: LILAC Conference Day 2 [Online]. Available at: (accessed: 20 April 2022).

Semple, N. (2022) Live Highlights: LILAC Conference Day 3 [Online]. Available at: (accessed: 20 April 2022).

Woods, L. (2022) LILAC 2022: Reflections [Online]. Available at (accessed: 20 April 2022).

Woods, L. (2022) Social justice: the LILAC keynotes [Online]. Available at: (accessed: 20 April 2022).

Woods, L. (2022) Underdtanding library users to support change [Online]. Available at: (accessed: 20 April 2022).



Augustine, K. & Hollcraft, J. Implementing the question formulation technique in a first-year composition course throughout the pandemic

Bagger, A., Ramsgaard, L. & Tang, H. Educational design patterns: going beyond the classic information literacy concept

Belantara, A. & Drabinski, E. Sharing information literacy concepts through sound: sounding the radical catalog

Beveridge, L. Dyslexia creativity and information seeking:  how can academic librarians acknowledge neurodiversity in their information literacy practice?

Bickley, R. Information literacy as activism: standing up to the academic e-book industry

Brittle, K. & Newbigging, C. Are you a teaching librarian? How two ‘imposters’ grew a library help centre

Brookbank, E. Serving and supporting students as whole people

Cannon, P. Exploring how university lecturers construct their knowledge of information and digital literacy and what that means for teaching in universities moving forward

Connell, B. Designing information literacy materials using student voice - building self directed blended learning programme for lifelong learning students Institute of Technology Carlow

Courtney, M. Critical global citizenship in and out of the classroom: incorporating community-based global learning and cross-cultural information literacy in an undergraduate course

Dawes, L. & Anaya, T. Is hybrid here to stay? Developing flexible instruction that support community inquiry and active learning

Dunlop, S. The future of feedback: evaluation of information and digital literacy teaching in higher education

Flood, J. & Coxhead, B. Critical sustainability research workshop: an example from UAL Libraries' Sustainability Toolkit

Goldstein, S., Secker, J. & Harding, A-L. MILA Framework workshop

Haigh, J. Evaluating the impact of LILAC through long term reflections and inspiration mapping a workshop to generate ideas

Hamlett, A. Laying the foundation how faculty led IL instruction improves students success

Harding, A-L. Introducing information literacy at the House of Commons

Haworth, A., Grant, V., McIndoe, S., Sadler, R. & Taylor, D. Moving forward as one University: the impact of reshaping information and digital literacy to integrate with refreshed graduate attributes

Hicks, A. Mutual interest: driving forward the health information literacy agenda

Howard, H. & Phillips, M. Transitioning from academia to the workplace: information literacy experiences of business students

Inskip, C., Hicks, A., Lloyd, A., Mckinney, P. & Walton, G. Leveraging information literacy: mapping the conceptual influence and appropriation of information literacy in other disciplinary landscapes

Jenkins, R., Love-Rodgers, C. & Dozier, M. Librarian consultations - supporting student researchers in the hybrid world

Kaufmann, K. Factors that impact the relevance of information literacy to college students: the kaleidoscope effect

King, M. Inclusive teaching practices to improve the learning experience for neurodivergent learners: practical strategies from the perspective of a neurodivergent librarian

Lapham, J. The value of librarian -led information literacy lessons for higher education students in the further education college environment

Lincoln, H. & Chiu, T. Perceptions of the ‘find it out yourself method’: developing self efficacy and students as tourists in academic communities of practice

Long, J. & Hicks, J. Maker literacy: connecting IL within the maker movement

Love-Rodgers, C. & McDonald, S. L. Catapulted by COVID: hitting new information literacy targets at the University of Edinburgh

Maniates, R. Revisiting the one-minute paper: personal reflections student engagement and assessing the assessment

Maybee, C. & Kaufmann, K. Information literacy: elements of a maturing discipline

McAndrew, E. Wikipedia student activism and the Ivory Tower

Mckinney, P. & Webber, S. Using theories of change to evaluate information literacy initiatives

Minta, L., Gregory, N. & Thompson, E. Breaking out of the library bubble: information literacy and curriculum alignment

Morrison, C., Secker, J., Wakaruk, A. & Gareau-Brennan, C. COVID and the copyright literacy community of practice

Naughton, J. & Robertson, S. Turning a challenge into an opportunity: health literacy training for NHS knowledge and library staff

Newnham, P. Information literacy and the transition to university education. Reflections and initial findings from Lancaster University  Institute of Curriculum Enhancement (ICE) fellowship research project

Nierenberg, E. & Dahl, T. I. The development of students as information literate individuals: results from an 86% complete PhD in information literacy

Panes, M. & Mellifluo, L. Community building in complex settings: exploration based on Swiss multi-library initiatives for gamifiers

Pavey, S. Looking for information literacy in the English National Curriculum and exam syllabi

Pavey, S. What if no-one had information literacy skills?

Penton, S. Using educational technology to convey complex Information Literacy topics: animating OSCOLA referencing and copyright

Peppard, C., Parkhill, S. & Chalkley, A. Self service or checkout confusion?

Phillps, K. & Joel Burkholder, J. A wolf in sheep’s clothing: genre confusion and Fake News

Preest, K. & Sewell, C. Increasing inclusivity: developing a HEA accredited teaching course for librarians

Randall, S., Naylor, N. & Wills, D. Trusted information in unprecedented times: reflecting on two years of learning from the PIF TICK trust mark for health information

Secker, J., Tilley, E., Mizrachi, D. & Grim, G. Students academic reading and information literacy in a time of COVID

Soderman, J. The power of collaging in unlocking research topics

Thomson, K. Teaching how to structure literature reviews via 1990s movies

Thorpe, C. & Paterson, F. Supersize my session. Reflections on redesigning a small scale workshop for a large scale setting in-person and online

Trowell, C. & Meehan, L. Reuse recycle repurpose - moving from a plagiarism guide to a sustainable good academic practice toolkit

Usova, T. Teaching data visualization as a one-credit course

Walsh, A. Changing signature pedagogies for information literacy

Walton, G. Tailoring information literacy instruction using the information discernment diagnostic questionnaire

Walton, G. Mainstreaming information literacy: analysing Educational Preventing Violent Extremism programmes (EPVEs)

Wegener, D. Information literacy in Asia: the case at the Singapore Institute of Technology

Westbury, M. & Hicks, A. JIL: Getting your writing groove back

Whitworth, A. Information in isolation: the arrival of high speed internet in a very remote country

Wilkinson, E. & McCartney, C. Pestalozzian principles in post-Covid praxis: IL through a musicians eye

Williams, J., Hicks, A., Baer, A., Hollister, C. & Westbury, M. Prioritising Inclusion and Equity in Information Literacy Scholarship: A Panel Conversation with the Editors of CIL and JIL

Woodcock, J., O'Hara Mia & Pothecary, J. Developing a systematic review search strategy through online and peer active review



Present @ LILAC

LILAC is great opportunity for our fellow professionals to present their ideas, share best practice and show case new thinking in our sector. If you have an idea then we'd love to hear about it. We have many options for the types of sessions you might run from a symposium to a workshop. Visit our Call for Presentations page to find out how to apply.

Book your place

Places at this year's conference are likely to be in demand more than ever before. Each year our conference grows increasingly popular and this year promises to be no different. Don't miss out and book your place now for this year's conference.
We look forward to seeing you there!

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Cardiff University, 14-16 April 2025

Cardiff University, 14-16 April 2025