Cardiff University, 14-16 April 2025

  • Swansea University Bay Campus

LILAC 2017

LILAC 2017 was hosted by Swansea University, and took place on 10th-12th April 2017.

On this page you will find details of:

A selection of photos from the conference can be found on our flickr. You can also download a copy of our full programme complete with abstracts.


Keynote speakers:

Barbara Allan (Independent Consultant) - Making an impact beyond the library and information service (view slides)

Josie Fraser (Social and Educational Technologist) - The library is open: librarians and information professionals as open practitioners (view slides)

Alan Carbery (Associate Library Director, Champlain College, Vermont) - Authentic information literacy in a post-truth era (view slides)

Conference Reports:

Bell, D. (2017). Reflections on LILAC 2017 [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 25 April 2017).

Cormie, V. (2017). Vicki's LILAC17 (Storify) [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 18 April 2017).

Haigh, J. (2017). LILAC 2017 reflections and call to arms! [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 25 April 2017).

Information Literacy Group (2017). LILAC 2017, Day 1 [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 15 April 2017).

Information Literacy Group (2017). LILAC 2017, Day 2 [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 15 April 2017).

Information Literacy Group (2017). LILAC 2017, Day 3 [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 15 April 2017).

McKinney, P. (2017). LILAC Conference Reports (various) [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 15 April 2017).

Porter, H. (2017). LILAC Conference 2017 - 10th-12 Apr at Swansea Bay University Campus (Storify) [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 15 April 2017).

Walsh, A. (2017). Lagadothon and LILAC [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 18 April 2017).

Workman, L. (2017). #LILAC17 (Storify) [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 25 April 2017).

Papers & Posters:

Bailey, R. Don’t burn out OR fade away: coping with the stressors of library induction.

Bell D. Doctoral dilemmas, digital solutions?

Bennett, A. & Dumitrescu, S. Tackling Mahara or the Saraha! A journey through the Welsh Information Literacy Framework.

Bower, K. & Fisher, J. Open journals and undergraduates: how an open journal system can encourage information literacy, research and academic writing skills.

Brown, E. Metaphor me that: using metaphor to aid information literacy understanding.

Chalkley, A. Breaking down the barriers to staff engagement (poster).

Chin, M. & Walker, D. Do faculty and librarians see information literacy in the same way? A study of alignment.

Conlon, R. & Evans, C. Our work is never done: using iterative feedback for the ongoing development of teaching outputs and methods.

Corrall, S. Revisiting data literacy in the big data landscape.

Corrall, S & Pickard, A. Advancing the reflective conversation in information literacy.

Cottrell, J. & Beaulieu, B. Nail, derail, fail: change, uncertainty and ongoing redesign in information literacy instruction.

Curtis, R. Students as “Information Literacy Advocates”: continuing to gain the advantage through a peer support approach.

Dawes, L. Dissecting informed learning: a birds-eye view of information literacy in first year college courses.

Divall, P. Critical reading made easy.

Divall, P. Writing for publication: using training and blogs to promote publishing in a hospital trust.

Dix, T. Harvard referencing game: a library ‘Frogger’ style guide (Lagadothon).

Dodd, L. Adopting and developing an information literacy framework at Maynooth University.

Dodd, L. Embedding information literacy through critical skills and a new curriculum.

Donovan, K. & Charles, J. Bounding around the library: a playful approach to library inductions.

Dove, C. The instrumental instrument.

Edwards, A. & Hill, V. Practitioner research for librarians: a DProf case study.

English, L. Mind the gap: using MOOCs to provide pre-entry skills support at the University of Cumbria.

Ericson, K. PhD student support at the library – from generic courses to contextual learning.

Eva, N. & Graham, R. SAIL away: comparing the cohort test to build your own test version of Project SAILS in a Canadian context.

Eveson, L. Mission Impossible? Transforming library induction into learning.

Fayers, C., Morgan, N. & Shields, E. LILAC book club: from libraries to the magical north – the voyage of Claire Fayers.

Flynn, D. Teaching in the cloud: enhancing teaching and learning using cloud technology.

Foster-Jones, J. CILIP digital first: moving mentor training online.

Glassman, J. & Worsham, D. The digital research notebook: a simple tool to augment the one-shot (and worksheet).

Goebel, N., Becker, Y. & Blizzard, K. The human library as a means of addressing prejudice and intolerance.

Gooch, A. & Wilkinson, E. Cultivate the ground before the plant: developing an organic environment for implementing successful information literacy training.

Grant, V., Grigsby, K., Saavedra Justo, A. & Sadler, R. Students as positive disruptors: co-developing an Information and Digital Literacy Festival using a participatory action research approach.

Haigh, J. Teaching packs for information literacy instructors (Lagadothon).

Haigh, J. & Mullen, J. Embedding interventions for better critical writing and reading: collaboration between librarians and Academic Skills tutors.

Hall, R. “The real world”: information in the workplace versus information in college.

Heath, A. & Brown, S. And the winner is…: does competitive team-based activity enhance learning for undergraduate students in IL classroom environments?

Hirst, D. & Barton, C. Widening our offer: the potential use of OERs to extend widening participation beyond the University physical spaces!

Honohan, C. The information seeking behaviour of advisors to policy-makers for homelessness in Ireland.

Howard, H. Golden ticket glitch: helping students to use feedback to improve their academic and information literacy skills (poster).

Howard, H. & Bedford, N. Second Year Success: building skills and confidence for the step up to second year.

Hurt, E. & McLoughlin, A. Facilitating research amongst radiographers through information literacy workshops.

Inskip, C. On the move: testing an employability transitional tool (Lagadothon).

Johns, G. Where are we now? UCISA Digital Capability Survey 2017: a snapshot of digital literacy across the UK HE sector.

Låg, T. Effects of a flipped classroom intervention in a large enrolment academic skills course.

Laws, S., MacDonald, R. & Fernyhough, L. Assessing first-year medical students’ information seeking behaviors: implications for instruction.

Lay, L. International students in the information literacy classroom - what really works? (poster)

Lemke, D. Waking up webinars: bringing active learning online.

Marines, A. & Zachmeier, A. Clear expectations and habits of mind: a self-evaluation checklist for student writing.

Martzoukou, K. & Burnett, S. New Syrian Scots information literacy wayfinding practices: phase 1 research findings.

McManamon, C. ILG Who are we? Meet the Committee (poster).

Menown, C. Forget POKEMON GO! Let’s play LILAC GO!

Mitchell, E. & Sandhu, A. Informing information literacy through user experience at Imperial.

Moore, K. & Beer, N. Getting bums on virtual seats for library training, the benefit of hindsight.

Morrison, C. & Secker, J. Understanding librarians’ experiences of copyright capabilities, communities and critical literacy.

Østvand, L. & Andreassen, H. Academic integrity and the University Library’s role in the doctoral education.

Pashia, A. Discussing #BlackLivesMatter in information literacy.

Pho, A., Glassman, J., Chen Cham, J. & Lee, S. Moving beyond the research paper: fostering emerging literacies in the library.

Reed, M. Intersectional opportunities in open educational resources.

Reed, M. Intersections big and small: a review of three projects that merge scholarly communication and information literacy.

Reid, S. Shaken and stirred! The librarian, the academic and the case of the refreshed skills module.

Richards, A. Multi-modal, technology enhanced support for distance learners: the experience at DeMontfort University.

Sajeva, M. & Clarey, L. Talking their language… critical practice and its impact on academic liaison and the collaborative teaching of information literacy: a workshop case study of embedded information literacy sessions for undergraduate design students at LCC.

Sajeva, M. & Warren, M. Ways of translating: an immersive experience of the international classroom.

Secker, J. & Morrison, C. Creative approaches to embedding copyright in information literacy teaching.

Sewell, C. Engaging students with research data management – the modular approach.

Sewell, C. Making the modern academic librarian: the Supporting Researchers in the 21st Century Programme (poster).

Sewell, C. Who educates the educators?

Skoyles, A. & Brown, M. Pre-enrolment workshops at London South Bank University.

Smith, A. & Gore, H. Creating a social media mediated learning experience.

Smith, L. From secondary education to beyond: information literacy to support young people’s educational transitions.

Stebbing, D. & Shelley, J. Bridging the gap: investigating academics’ views of information literacy.

Stephan, K. Reaching out with research: promoting academic scholarship and synthesis via research cafes.

Strutt, Z. & Watkinson, N. Collaboration in Wales: an audit to review the current level of integration for digital and information literacy in WHELF (Wales Higher Education Libraries Forum) (poster).

Swain, E. & Morgan, N. Cwtch up and THINK! Fostering a reflective community of practice.

Taylor, A. Online reading lists: encouraging staff engagement to improve student information literacy.

Walsh, A. Playing is for grown ups (poster).

Walsh, A. The great library escape.

Walton, G., Barker, J., Turner, M. & Pointon, M. Information discernment: from theory to practice.

Walton, G. & Goldstein, S. ILG Research Bursaries: Past, Present and Future (poster).

White, J. & Ball, C. 'So you didn't get your Hogwarts letter...' Engaging muggles in the library experience (poster).

Wilson, J. On/off campus: responding quickly to subject support gaps in informationliteracy through the creation of online materials.

Workman, L. & Sleeman, R. Using Mentimeter to gauge and engage science students in information skills (poster).

Yearwood-Jackman, S. You don’t know what you don’t know: using reflection to develop metacognitive skills for information literacy.

Young, H. & Montgomery, L. Discovering the reality from the myth – how PGRs “really” find and use information.

Zaar, J. & Magnusson, J. Improving information literacy instruction through reflection! (poster).

Present @ LILAC

LILAC is great opportunity for our fellow professionals to present their ideas, share best practice and show case new thinking in our sector. If you have an idea then we'd love to hear about it. We have many options for the types of sessions you might run from a symposium to a workshop. Visit our Call for Presentations page to find out how to apply.

Book your place

Places at this year's conference are likely to be in demand more than ever before. Each year our conference grows increasingly popular and this year promises to be no different. Don't miss out and book your place now for this year's conference.
We look forward to seeing you there!

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Cardiff University, 14-16 April 2025

Cardiff University, 14-16 April 2025