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LILAC 2006

LILAC 2006 was hosted by the University of Leeds, and took place on 27th-29th March 2006.

 On this page you will find details of:

Keynote speakers:

Lynne Brindley (Chief Executive of The British Library). A world of contrasts. 

Peter Brophy (Director of the Centre for Research in Library & Information Management, Manchester Metropolitan University). Information literacies: perspectives from research.

Philip C. Candy (Director of Education, Training and Development, NHS Connecting for Health). Running amok with a chainsaw: an unexpected perspective on information literacy.

Professor Dorothy Williams (Department of Information Management, Aberdeen Business School, The Robert Gordon University). Libraries supporting learners - really?


The themes for LILAC 2006 were:

  • New areas of practice and research
  • Strategic approaches to information literacy
  • Practical approaches to information literacy
  • Staff development and information literacy
  • Information literacy and citizenship
  • Embedding and enriching


Balfour, M. & Pears, R. Student evaluation of two information literacy packages: Skills Plus and MOSAIC.

Bevilacqua, F. & Vezzosi, M. Embedding information literacy activities into subject learning: different approaches, outcomes and experiences at the University of Parma (Italy).

Bing, P. & Levy, P. Strategic approaches to information literacy: a CETL perspective.

Boden, D., Doolan, L. & Garthwaite, J. The story of iLIP: developing an online IL staff development programme for library staff.

Bradwell, A., Luff, P. & Papatheodorou, T. Rocks, fishes and a slice of cake: a study into integrating and facilitating the development of academic literacy with a cohort of undergraduate students.

Charlton, R. How to cope with 23 partners!

Cochrane, C. Do personal response systems (PRS) offer an innovation approach to the delivery of information literacy by lecturers and librarians? (poster).

Cochrane, C. Embedding information literacy in an undergraduate Management module: reflecting on students' performance and attitudes in two academic years.

Collins, S. & Burnett, S. Induction fatigue? Ask the audience!

Craig, A. Making a difference? Measuring the impact of an information literacy programme.

Crawford, J. & Irving, C. Politics, work and the lifelong learning agenda in information literacy.

Ehlers, G. & de Kock, B. Practical approaches to information literacy.

Everest, K. & Scopes, M. Making a difference; the impact of the Information Literacy Framework at Leeds Metropolitan Unversity (poster).

Fourie, I. & Claasen-Veldsman, R. Expanding the information literacy skills of practicing health care professionals to keep up in demanding societies: oncology nurses as example.

Glass, B. & Kendall, M. Manchester Metropolitan University (poster).

Gwyer, R. Using a professional development unit to deliver information literacy for foundation degree students.

Hadley, S. & Hacker, K. Embedding information literacy for staff development at an acute NHS Trust.

Hochstein, S. Sisyphus in academia: lobbying for information literacy as an academic signature (poster).

Hough, H. Information literacy training for ALL staff: a strategic approach.

Howard, H. & Munks, J. Promoting staff development through regional collaboration (poster).

Hunn, R. Production of an information literacy tutorial at DCMT library (poster).

Hutchins, J. After induction, what? Exploring fluency in information and technology: the eFIT programme at Bournemouth University (poster).

Jackson, C. & Mogg, R. The information literacy resource bank: re-purposing the wheel!

Jones, K. The place for weblogs and newsfeeds in information skills instruction.

Jones, R. Don't go back to the drawing board - share our experience with Blackboard!

Jones, R. Embedding information skills into the Year 9 PSHE/Citizenship curriculum at Malvern Girls' College: integrating learning styles with pupil research.

Jones, R., Peters, K. & Shields, E. Transforming your training: practical approaches to interactive information literacy teaching.

Lahlafi, A. & Clarke, D. Implementing an information literacy audit in the School of Healthcare, University of Leeds.

Lantz, A. & Brage, C. The citizen in the information society.

Lynch, C. & Perrett, A. Finding articles with BNI (British Nursing Index).

Mansourian, Y. & Webber, S. Context in web searching: implications for information literacy.

Marshall, T. & Stubbings, R. The HEA and me.

McGettigan, L. Information literacy - empowering the community.

McGuinness, C. Collaborating for information literacy development (ILD): exploring the dynamic effect of academic-librarian relationships on information literacy development programmes in undergraduate education.

Middleton, A. & Aiken, R. InfoQuest3: developing pedagogically rich information literacy packages targeted at subjects across the university.

Morgan, N. & Clinch, P. Up to the HILT: Cardiff University's Handbook for Information Literacy Teaching explained.

Morris, A. The grey digital divide and citizenship.

O'Beirne, R. Embedding information literacy within public libraries.

Parker, L. & Stubley, P. The aspiration that every graduate will be information literate: a case study from the University of Sheffield.

Patalong, S. & Llewellyn, O. Show them how to do it - using Macromedia Captivate to deliver remote demonstrations.

Pavey, S. Information literacy games for schools.

Pilerot, O. How do students develop information literacy - through formal education or social participation?

Place, E. & Kendall, M. Return of the internet detective.

Pownall, V. & Betts, R. Information literacy and IT skills delivery at the University of Birmingham.

Scopes, M. & Everest, K. Learning objects for information literacy.

Sweeney, L. & Reid, W. Opening the gateways: introducing e-literacy skills to off-campus users.

Taylor, S. Plugging the gap: making mathematics students information literate.

Tilley, E. Online solutions for information literacy in a specialist academic library: a case study (poster).

Vezzosi, M. Teaching, researching, reflecting. Action research as a challenge for teaching librarians (poster).

Walton, G., Barker, J. & Hepworth, M. Facilitating information literacy teaching and learning in a Level 1 Sport & Exercise module by means of collaborative online working via a VLE.

Webb, C. Developing the role of librarian into a consultant tutor.

Wema, E. & Hepworth, M. The evaluation of an information literacy training course at Dar Es Salaam University, Tanzania.

Worden, A. Measuring the impact of information skills sessions: pre- and post-testing student competence.

Zannia, A. & Schroeder, E.E. Documenting impact: evaluating our effect on information literacy skills in the context of a collaborative teaching environment.

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Cardiff University, 14-16 April 2025

Cardiff University, 14-16 April 2025